There are many dates that have significance to me: 6-24-1975, 6-9-1978, 3-3-1980, 12-7-1981, 10-14-1984, 10-27-1985, 10-15-1988, and 11-20-1992 (do you know the significance of all these?) There are many more like 6-14-2010, 1-9-2011 and I know there are more still to come 9-30-2011??
There is however one day that comes to mind…3-27-2009…If not for the events on that day, everything since and still to come would not be…
March 27, 2009 was a Friday, particularly rainy Friday at that. Now as a baseball coach a rainy Friday usually means a day of watching the radar and wondering if the opposing team remembered to tarp their field. That is exactly what I did from 7:00 AM until about 2:00 PM. At 2:00 the first of two important phone calls happened, it was the head coach at Lake HS calling to say that their field was too wet and the JV and Varsity games we gonna need to be moved to Brook and played on Saturday, the Sophomore game was being completely scrapped! So now it’s 2:30 school is over and I have nothing to do on a Friday night…Meanwhile the weather had cleared up and it was a beautiful SE Texas afternoon and about 5 miles away from my apartment Randi had taken the afternoon off to do some shopping and was walking outside of Old Navy.
I took a deep breath found Randi’s number in my phone and called her for the second day in a row, we had talked for about an hour the night before. She answered, we exchanged pleasantries, I told her about the cancellation of my game, and I asked her if she’d like to get some dinner. I was pretty sure she was gonna say yes, but when the words actually came out of her mouth I still got that rush of adrenaline and could physically feel my heart begin to race. We decided to meet at about 7:00 at BJ’s Restaurant. I quickly showered, think I shaved, got dressed and then tried to relax for a bit so my heart rate would come back to normal.
We met outside the restaurant, had to wait for a table, enjoyed a beer, and talked and talked and talked. We were eventually seated, ordered, and continued to talk and talk and talk… When the food came my order was wrong but I didn’t care, I was lost in conversation hanging on her every word. Nearly 3 hours later were finished with our meals and the evening was coming to an end, I walked her to her car, we said good night with a hug and went our separate ways. As I drove away from the restaurant I remember thinking to myself: that lady is special, someone like her only comes along once in a lifetime…
Well most of you know how this story continues (6-14-2010, 1-9-2011)…
But beyond that 3-27-2009 will always be special to me because it is the day I found my best friend, my partner for life, the person who has and continues to make ALL my dreams come true…
On Sunday 3-27-2011 we celebrated two wonderful years together by getting up early, watching “The Biggest Loser” on DVR, driving an hour to go shopping at Costco for dog food and a 2nd dog bed (amongst other stuff), then enjoying dinner at the restaurant where it all started…It was a perfect day capped off with us talking and talking and talking…until she finally fell asleep.
Outside "Our" Restaurant |
I no longer worry about rain on game days, or care if the opposing team tarped their field. I know great things can happen because of rain outs!
The last two years have been Amazing…I am looking forward to the next 64 years…and soaking in every last second of it by Randi’s side!